Lion’s Gate Portal 8/8

Have you noticed the gentle rise of the potent ROAR of the Lion’s Gate portal on the back of the super full moon this past week?

‘Every year around August 8th the fixed star Sirius rises and is visible again on the eastern horizon before dawn. This cosmic event is where the term ‘Lions Gate Portal’ comes from. 

The fixed star Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky. Sirius means “Glowing” in Greek. It’s also known as one of the most spiritual stars, bringing a divine spark with it. 

We can feel the soil of life is more fertile and possible. It’s a unique opportunity this month in the area of our charts where Leo is. 

Sirius was an important star to ancient Egyptians. When it became visible again every year around the same time, it indicated a flooding of the Nile. 

This was a powerful time for those living near there as farming season would begin again and the soil would become fertile again. 

It was considered a blessed time! 

In modern days this time can be used to turbo charge our manifestations and set our intentions.’


How can we optimise this time during the Leo season to manifest and co-create?

Where does Leo rule in your astrological chart? This is where your King or Queendom lies and where you can manifest through focused intention. Leo is considered ‘King’ of the zodiac and provides potent life giving energy however it can be used to benefit or to destroy. How can we utilise this energy for our highest good and the highest good of all?

We can lead with a gentle yet fierce heart and pave the way for greatness through compassion, kindness, patience and gratitude. For some of us, we may need to ‘tame the inner lion’ if we are using power in disruptive ways. Listen and discern!

  • make space to tune into Sirius and receive insights for your intentions

  • what area of your life needs the most attention right now? Health, family, relationships (personal or community), work/abundance….

  • aim to set both long term and short term intentions and commit to the insights and inspired action for a whole annual cycle as well as each elemental seasonal cycle. If you are really committed, set intentions for each lunar cycle in each season, this is a powerful practice of courageous commitment to gain clarity in your life!

What does your King or Queendom look and feel like in a years time?

Utilising our creative energy get the flow happening and sustains the potency for this transformational time. Use embodiment practices, active visualisation, deep listening and breath to optimise your connection each day. Once you’re in the flow, life sustains life!

When I sat and tuned into the Sirius planetary energies, my insights revolved around PLAY! Hence the playful lion image!

My main intention for this portal beginning now is going to be about play and adventure in all aspects of my life and how I share my offerings. There’s a potent energy in play. We only need to watch children and the way they live in the moment as they are always heart centred when they are playing. On the weekend I watched my 12 year old daughter play with her friend and co-create pure magic as they moved from the playful and creative energies of shell collecting on the beach, magical henna designs on their bodies, making a pully system for the loft bed space, harvesting bamboo to make a tipi and chalking up the deck to create challenging hopscotch designs.

Life is an never ending source of creative and playful opportunities that can carve new neural pathways in our pysche to re-pattern our brain, body and mind. Many of us are too busy or too tired to make time for play. How can you revitalise your life to harness more of these naturally occurring ‘play hormones’ beyond your current way of life?


Famous and potent words that emanate honesty and truth to us all. Ask:

  • what are my energy levels at this time?

  • what are my sedentary patterns?

  • what lights me up?

  • how do I play in my life right now?

  • what am I passionate about?

  • am I limiting my dreams through avoidance?

  • what steps can I take to integrate more playfulness in my life?

Start here and then let the insights unfold. When we hold space for an intention such as ‘more play’, we will receive the insights that will align with us right now without needing to force ourselves to do something. The aim is to move at the pace that suits ‘our own being and capacity’ and then elevate that vibrational frequency of play incrementally.

The season of Spring is rising and will lovingly support our intentions if we step into receiving the flow. How can we show up for ourselves through more PLAY?

Let’s ride the waves of PLAY and see where they may take us!


Gina x


Alchemy + the Elements


Celebration of NEW beginnings