Whatever level of health and wellbeing we believe we are living can be dismantled quickly through this deep body, brain and biofield detox protocol called ‘Grow A New Body’ devised by Dr Alberto Villoldo, medical anthropologist, psychologist and shaman. It is based in powerful plant based nutrients designed to transform our health.
Dr Alberto Villoldo devised this protocol with various medical doctors and nutritionists based on 25 years of research in both western and shamanic knowledge and traditions. The lines between east and west have been blurred as he brings science and spirit together to produce a comprehensive detoxification solution for our modern fast-paced lifestyles.
Many of us are doing regular exercise, eating relatively well and essentially enjoying moderate lives. Only you know how you feel and until you challenge your inner status quo to upgrade and regenerate, otherwise the wheel of life will keep degenerating. Epigenetics now tells us we can change our gene expression based on our thoughts, habits, attitude and environment. Who knows what you may be capable of in the future. Life is better when we are thriving! If deep wellbeing and awareness is low on your ‘values’ list, consider the following scientific facts…
As we dream our lives into being each day, we project our future through the physical density of our brains. Without thinking about it, we have to unconditionally accept that a 40-50 year lifetime requires some level of body and brain detoxification. That to me is a given. From a scientific perspective, mitochondria are essential for brain repair and restoration.
Dr Villoldo states, ‘just as dead plants in the forest get turned into food for new plants with the help of microbes that break them down, your body has a system for recycling the amino acids from dead and damaged mitochondria to make new cells. It is called autophagy... detoxifying is another way to jump-start mitochondria’.
If we are going to be examples for our spritely youth, we have to learn healthy ways to sustain our wellbeing over our lifetime. Oxidative stress on the body is one of the main causes for all inflammation in the body. As freeradicals increase with stress and dysfunctional lifestyle choices, the ageing process increases and vice versa. If stress is a constant in our lives, free-radicals eventually outnumber our naturally produced anti-oxidant producing Nrf2 pathway.
Feeling depleted is a common occurrence and is then propped up by supplementation, coffee or other substances. Are you aware of these facts? Doesn’t returning to the core issue of upgrading the Nrf2 functional pathway makes more sense?
Many people live with chronic levels of inflammation in the body, knowingly and unknowingly. Prolonged inflammation due to stress results in the immune system attacking healthy cells and tissues creating autoimmune disorders. The Nrf2 activators have antiinflammatory properties that can reverse inflammation damage in the body and brain.
The fastest growing health issue in our modern world is an array of autoimmune diseases that are evolving faster than we are. Is this the legacy we want to leave for our youth? The hippocampus in the brain regulates emotions, maintains our learning ability and stores our memories. It is also damaged by inflammation resulting in fear based thinking and forgetfulness. Life essentially becomes lifeless as the foundations for a joyful life found through curiosity, healthy connection and laughter slowly decline. Again rates of anxiety, depression and mental emotional wellbeing issues have never been higher in any age groups.
The brain is a physical organ and is 70% fat. If toxins are stored in fat, can you imagine what may be stored there in terms of our life experiences, out-dated habits, behaviour and patterns? Every experience has an energetic imprint that is stored. Scientists now know that brain health can be repaired and boosted with glutathione, BDNF (brain derived neurotrophic factor) and SOD (superoxide dismutase). Glutathione neutralises free-radicals as it is an anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory agent found in foods such as spinach, avocado and kale.
BDNF also repairs the brain and helps rewire beneficial neural pathways that counteract depression and dementia. SOD is another power enzyme that neutralises free-radicals and naturally reduces oxidative stress. The message here is that when all 3 naturally occurring substances are suppressed by a lifetime of damaging physical, mental, emotional and environmental influences, the body, brain and biofield are in need of an upgrade.
From Dr Villoldo’s deeper perspective, these substances ‘clear debris in the brain and allow us to experience Oneness that naturally optimises our health and ability to dream our world into being in a powerful and creative way’.
This detoxification process then naturally upgrades our organ function and energy flow in the body so we can not only feel better but also begin to appreciate and enjoy the necessary rituals and practices of movement, meditation, expression, gratitude and many other sustainable activities we choose to engage in on our lifelong sustainable wellbeing path. Wellness must evolve from the current state of disease care to prevention if we want a healthy living future.
With Wellness being the foundation for true agency, now is the time to courageously harness our latent potential and embody a new regenerative way of life.
Vitality, longevity, and clarity are restored when we commit to ourselves deeply.
Here is what this 4 week detox offering is all about.
Individual Detox Inclusions:
28 day Body, Brain and Biofield Detox - ‘Grow A New Body’ protocol (devised by Dr Alberto Villoldo) consisting of a 21 day preparation and 7 day upgrade. (4 weeks of plant based super food supplements are included, see pricing below)
3 x 60 min 1:1 Sacred Transformation sessions including Diagnostic Assessment, Wellness Coaching, Acupuncture, Quantum/Shamanic Healing for assisting the bioenergetic clearing and upgrade process.
Access to the ‘Grow A New Body’ Quantum healing meditation library for the 12 human systems to assist the biological (physical) and bioenergetic (light body) detoxification process.
Lifestyle assessment and relevant testing recommendations (eg. hormone levels and gut health)
Restoring and grounding through weekly Elemental Qi Gong, Breath and Meditation embodiment practices to calm the nervous system and cultivate balance of inner softness and strength (online)
Weekly self empowerment, self-accountability and self-healing through transforming somatic, biological, hormonal, behavioural, emotional and spiritual patterns for a HOLISTIC RESET.
Online weekly content with protocol guidelines, Medicine Wheel healing practices, detox information
I have been facilitating this detox protocol with people (individually and in groups) for 5 years now and have had incredible results. This is a truly holistic protocol that approaches detoxification from the perspective that both our physical and energetic bodies need attention. Toxins are accumulations in the body that hold a low frequency and stagnate in our living system. Shifting the physical debris as well as clearing the energetic imprints/patterns in our morphogenetic field is so important. If you’d like to learn more, please feel free to email me!
(the individual wellbeing offering is not limited to location, it is available online or face to face)
“Gina found me when I was a critical turning point of my life. I had a typically good life - I worked a corporate full time job in Canberra, I focused on my health and fitness and I socialised, traveled and pursued hobbies frequently. Mentally, I felt a little stressed with my life yet felt I had balance. I knew that I wanted to change my life but I didn't have a direction as to what that could be. Emotionally I was worried, because I had a pattern of toxic people in my life that caused moments of misery in between all the fantastic stuff. I felt like my life was either high or low, with nothing in between. I was constantly at war between my head and my heart. Gina’s Coaching and Detox programs empowered me to change my own life. I also felt more at ease talking to Gina than any past professionals. I went through an inner transformation process that I cannot explain with my usual logic. Somehow it just worked - I healed past trauma and re-balanced myself and my life from being just "good" to being exceedingly excellent! I found direction to realise all of my wildest dreams. I can live with both my head and heart in a balanced and unified way. I now enjoy, live and breathe the mysterious workings of Gina's wellbeing/mindfulness concepts and I have never been happier - I go with the flow of my new magical life that I created for myself.”
Melissa, Coaching and Detox client
“After being on my own wellbeing journey for awhile with food and cleansing my body, I decided to do the Grow A New Body Detox with Gina to go deeper. It was so profound! On an emotional level many old stories, fears, resistances and emotions came up to be cleared and they were very challenging and overwhelming at the time. Physically I had skin and body purging taking place before I noticed how free, fluid, effortless and strong my body felt afterwards. Most profound were the weekly energy healing/coaching sessions which helped me identify and clear out stagnant energy of all kinds making space for love and new adventures in my life. It was absolutely transformational as it allowed me to trust myself, be happy in my body and embrace a new experience of living freely beyond conditioning. Prioritise the space needed for this magical experience and you'll see the results unfold..”
Leora, Coaching and Detox client
Somehow this detox reshapes your whole life. I've completed this detox several times now and have found that my body improves on all physical, mental, emotional and energetic levels. My brain functions with such clarity, my body has so much more vitality and my energy is truly amplified. It can be challenging at first but so work=th the extraordinary results you receive when you really commit to your wellbeing. Be brave, don't hesitate!
Paula, Detox client
Integrated natural wellbeing and awareness is an essential part of being human. For many of us, our lives are spent busy + disconnected. This detox provides the essential space for deep cleansing and letting go to restore more of who we are.
If you are feeling sluggish, have brain fog, carrying unwanted weight, have symptoms such as digestive problems, insomnia and mood changes, this detox is ideal to begin this Rite of Passage and embrace this deeply transformative experience as you move into your ‘Second Spring’ in life.
Our current reality is filled with: Inner-environmental pollution (beliefs, emotions, trauma, patterns) and disconnection from ourselves and others. Outer environmental pollution (chlorinated water, EMF’s, chemicals in food and products)
It's time for a shift in perspective and a return to our innate natural adaptive operating systems that have always been with us – this is nature's way. The relationship we have with ourselves is a vital springboard for all the relationships we have in our lives and with the Earth herself.
Step 1 - Lifestyle clean up!
In Chinese Medicine, Spring relates to the Liver and Gall Bladder so this is the ideal time for detoxification and renewal to cultivate a new life. Stress, a depleting lifestyle and a compromised diet contribute to the ageing process and cellular damage. Over time, our naturally occurring biological and neurological functions are switched off at the DNA level when over loaded. Upgrading our 'living operating system' revitalises all these energetic functions naturally.
What does this involve? Commitment, taking a pause, reverence for our body, brain and biofield and an open heart and mind! Essentially, good health represents true wealth and deep self-love.
Firstly we clean up the diet during this 4 weeks - no gluten, dairy, sugar, alcohol and limited meat are replaced by seasonal and plant based super foods and supplements. A fasting protocol is sustained to give our organs a rest and prepare the body, brain and biofield for the upgrade.
Step 2 - Preparation for Restoring Vitality, Longevity, Clarity and Energy
'We are switching on regenerative mechanisms in every cell to grow a new body that ages, heals, and dies differently.' - Dr Alberto Villoldo
Restoring the body, brain and biofield is a big responsibility so taking a pause to do this well is highly recommended. The first 7 days are often the most difficult as toxins begin to surface and release according to your tendencies and patterns. Transformation requires a loving mindset and space for healing and detoxification to occur. As the first 21 days unfold, the body is preparing itself for the last 7 day upgrade process.
Be mindful to create more space during this 4 weeks for deeper reflection, rest and renewal as toxins slowly release, the body adapts and neural pathways re-wire.
Step 3 - Complete System Upgrade and Integration
This is the recycling of cellular waste, the garbage build-up inside cells (and brain cells in particular) that interfere with mitochondrial function and mess with the death clock inside every cell (apoptosis). Our ancestors used to feast and then fast. When they fasted, autophagy cleaned out all the waste inside their cells. Most of us have been eating 3 meals a day since we were born and that’s been a lifetime pattern.
Our bodies innately know how to regenerate, however restoration and reactivation of damaged pathways optimises biological and bioenergetic function. As we clear and restore the body, brain and biofield, we feel great!
Applying these ancient and modern principles helps restore balanced foundations and resiliency. As Dr Alberto Villoldo states,
‘The cellular codes are latent in your DNA, and are password protected. Switching these on begins the repair and regeneration process. A plant-based diet (nutrient-dense, calorie- poor) will switch on more than 500 genes that create health, and switch off more than 200 genes that create cancers. We all have the opportunity to live our potential by changing our lives.’
Determining our current wellbeing status through relevant diagnostics and testing to restore vitality
Assessments, Holistic wellness solutions and Earth Wisdom to optimise and improve our physical being
Mapping our intentions with nature’s cycles to embody true transformational change sustainably
Supporting our physical body function to transform limitations, build confidence and maintain motivation
Optimising our gut health, balancing hormones and neurotransmitters, restoring our nervous system, firing up our energy production
Improving heart mind connection and coherence through alchemical meditation and visualisation practices
Establishing deep self-love through self care, trust, self-respect, self-compassion and deep listening
Optimising emotional intelligence and understanding the relational dynamics in mirror reflections with others
Identifying what’s in our morphogenetic field to clear our limiting behaviours, beliefs, patterns and habits
Connecting to the ‘field’, the living control system receiving information, for guided healing and insights
Opening sacred space for Archetypal and Ancestral healing and developing practices for right relationship
Adapting a new narrative aligned with vibrational awareness, higher purpose and intuitive insights