The Blog.

Learn more about Wellness, Awareness and Wholeness and the Rhythms and Cycles of Natural Wisdom to help you embody it in your daily life.

Gina Yallamas Gina Yallamas

Winter Solstice Winter Water Element…

As we cross another seasonal threshold during the Winter Solstice, the elemental energies shift. The Waters becomes our guide and opens our path of awareness to the natural depth of death, decay, composting and restoration possible within our own bodies and on the Earth. The Solstice also represents a balance point between the original Yin and Yang forces allowing us to reconnect to the nature of this dance called life.

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Gina Yallamas Gina Yallamas

Dragon Riding in 2024…

Having taken a conscious social media break during the festive season, I’m feeling a natural regenerative flow arrive even though I was doing less than ever. My mantra of ‘less is more’ is truly showing up in my life and I’m feeling incredibly grateful for choosing to surrender and let go of expectations outside of me. Leading with Love really means Love is truly Leading when we surrender!

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Gina Yallamas Gina Yallamas

Sacred Transformation … Leading with Love, Guided by Nature

Something about the word ‘transformation’ sounds active yet its nature is more about a state of ‘being’ that we choose to engage with for our highest good. Defined as ‘a change in form, appearance, nature, or character’, Judy Atkinson (intergenerational and relational trauma expert) believes ‘healing is a process of transformation and transcendence. It is the ever-unfolding knowledge of the Self. In the process of transformation, the Self is viewed with acceptance and compassion and a curiosity towards the change process.’ (

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Gina Yallamas Gina Yallamas

Spring Equinox… The Great Renewal

The Equinox and Solstice’s are festive times in the natural world. We celebrate Mother Earth and her turning cycles and the magical cosmic energetic portals that ebb and flow during these times. The corresponding 8 directional ‘Wheel of the Year’ guides our way as we walk in harmony and resonance with natural cycles and rhythms.

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Gina Yallamas Gina Yallamas

Alchemy + the Elements

Having been an Energy Medicine Practitioner for a decade now, I’ve seen some amazing transformations in people and their lives. I call this deep change ‘Alchemy’ because it exists on the energetic level of our being. We are energy and we are nature. What does that mean?

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Gina Yallamas Gina Yallamas

Lion’s Gate Portal 8/8

Have you noticed the gentle rise of the potent ROAR of the Lion’s Gate portal on the back of the super full moon this past week?

‘Every year around August 8th the fixed star Sirius rises and is visible again on the eastern horizon before dawn. This cosmic event is where the term ‘Lions Gate Portal’ comes from. The fixed star Sirius is the brightest star in the night sky. Sirius means “Glowing” in Greek. It’s also known as one of the most spiritual stars, bringing a divine spark with it.

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Gina Yallamas Gina Yallamas

Celebration of NEW beginnings

Celebrated as: as a time of new beginnings and the awakening of the natural world after the dark winter months.

This Sabbat marks the halfway point between the winter solstice and the spring equinox and is associated with new beginnings and the first stirrings of spring.

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Gina Yallamas Gina Yallamas

Passion for LIFE, the Path to Wholeness

Often I see people filling their lives with things that evoke ‘passion for life’ and then somehow feeling empty. I think we have all felt this emptiness. I’ve learnt (only recently) that the subtlety of ‘passion’ is an essence that is like a bubbling well spring from within, rising to the tune of our state of ‘being’.

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Gina Yallamas Gina Yallamas

The Imaginary Realm - the Potential Within

We spend so much of our present time thinking.

What do you think about?

Are you then dwelling on those thoughts and are they serving you in your life?

Is this thinking process underpinned by ‘listening’? Or is it thinking that arises from repetitive behavioural patterns and tendencies playing out on repeat?

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Gina Yallamas Gina Yallamas

Bringing Back the Dao… A Story of What Was and Still IS.

Once upon a time….. there was ‘the way’. This ‘way’ guided all beings through listening to the language of ‘energy’. We humans all felt, saw, heard and imagined through the sensory experience of vibration and frequency. This natural occurrence was not considered extraordinary or deemed a super-power, it was a ‘way of life’.

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