Winter Solstice Winter Water Element…
Artist: Beau Pennefather Motlop
As we cross another seasonal threshold during the Winter Solstice, the elemental energies shift. The Waters becomes our guide and opens our path of awareness to the natural depth of death, decay, composting and restoration possible within our own bodies and on the Earth. The Solstice also represents a balance point between the original Yin and Yang forces allowing us to reconnect to the nature of this dance called life.
When we take the time to make space for deep listening, we shift our perceptions and allow a natural self-realisation process to occur without forcing or chasing. This deep Yin season of Winter is an opportunity to traverse the Waters within and reflect upon the core essence that exists within us and how we may optimise wellbeing, awareness and wholeness in relationship to our understanding of life.
For me, life experiences remind us of our untapped potential that exists in relationship to our pure core essence. In Chinese Medicine, we understand and embrace our constitutional tendencies in relationship to the Elemental forces. This wisdom establishes a foundation for living a life in wholeness. The process of slowing down, observing and celebrating these naturally occurring energetic shifts, establish a deeper connection to life itself. Without Water, there is no life. The sacredness of this awareness allows us to shift from a perspective of extraction and domination to ecological reverence.
The Waters enable the elevation of collective consciousness through appreciating the rhythmic flow of all life in relationship to all living beings. Our participation in a greater field of awareness is where we awaken our hearts to the true beauty of natural flow states that exist beyond our human centric awareness. The Waters not only provide the pathway for Whales migrating north to birth their calves and nourish themselves, they open a passage for ancient whale songs to be sung that alter the consciousness of the whole planet. These sacred stories are sung in deep reverence to all of creation and rebalance the elemental life forces for the greatest good of all.
Our role as humans participating in this Earth evolution is more about understanding the true nature of who we are in relationship to these elemental forces of life and celebrating in own our way through our own songs and stories.
What is our own relationship to the Waters?
How are we acknowledging these elemental forces that continue to resource and sustain LIFE year in, year out?
Are we in relationship to natural rhythmic flows or are we disconnected and distracted by human needs and wants?
This threshold portal of the Winter Solstice is a wonderful opportunity to be curious about the way we live our lives and slow down our pace to become aware of how we participate in and imprint upon this field of consciousness in our own way. This ancient elemental technology is the original wisdom already encoded in our DNA. We have a choice to reconnect and begin to heal the disconnection within. There is no quick fix solution to reconnection as we all exist in this interconnected web of life.
Allowing this portal to lead the way through deep listening and intuitive connection, is a great place to start.
How can we unravel our own perceptions and come into responsible co-creation with this relational field teeming with life?
How can we shift our dependency on human centric models of wellbeing and rebalance natural ways of being that amplify life?
Living a good life, in harmony, is a choice. Reciprocity, responsibility and compassion are strong values I cherish to restore natural balance. Start with identifying your values and let these values show you how you can show up differently in your life. Trust the relational field that brings us exactly what is needed for us to learn and adapt according to our choices.
Winter is a deeply Yin time that amplifies our potential for receptivity, creativity and flow. Remember the whales sing their unified path forward, what song is emerging from within you that can be shared with others? Let the heart lead….
Gina x