5 Element QI GONG + Meditation.

Women’s New Moon ALCHEMY Circles.


Online 5 Element Qi Gong + Meditation: Fridays 8-9 am

Here is what this offering is all about.

5 Element Qi Gong and Meditation provides a weekly reset for our ecosystem as we move through and embody the energy of the seasonal elemental cycles. Spring aligns with the Wood Element and is associated with the Liver and Gall Bladder Organs. This is a time to detoxify and cleanse to allow deep renewal and expansion. We learn more about the Wood element and the correspondences of breath and spirit.

These online sessions are recorded and emailed to you to enhance your practice. We align the Spring cycle with the Spring Equinox and begin on Wednesday September 25th for 12 weeks, 8-9 am every Friday until December 13th). Click on the link below to receive the booking link and join us online for your weekly practice.

Class Price: $22 (including recording)

Benefits include:

  • Enhanced Immune and Nervous System Function.

  • Increased Mental Clarity And Focus.

  • Greater Mobility And Flexibility.

  • Boosted Sexual Energy And Vitality.

  • Emotional Balance And Stability.

  • Peak Physical And Mental Performance.

  • Deep, Restorative Sleep.

  • A Calm And Regulated Mind.

    In addition to the 5 element flow sequences and 18 forms, we finish with a short meditation to integrate the practice.

Qi Gong experiences ….

‘Gina’s Qi gong classes have been so helpful at keeping the energy flowing freely through. Her elemental knowledge brings a depth to the way she teaches. Really serene experience.’


‘‘These classes bring a deep calm over me and settle m whole being through a grounding connection with nature.  Gina is a gifted teacher of Qi Gong bringing presence and and flow with ease. Her heart is right in the moment.’’


The weekly flow from the qi gong classes always set me up for a balanced day. I’m loving being able to do either a morning or evening practice and receive the benefits in my own time. Thankyou Gina for your deep presence and care.’


Women’s New Moon ALCHEMY Circles…

Remembering Natures way and Embodying our Feminine Wisdom on the land…

On the new moon of each month, a sacred circle of women gather around a fire to listen, share and embody this wisdom and move through our ilife experiences together. Each month will be a new lunar adventure that establishes strong foundation for our sisterhood. We open sacred space to cultivate our inner connection, the connection with our sister's and connection with all our ancestral relations. The learning in these circles can then be shared in our families and communities in magical ways.

As we move gently with the lunar and astrological symbolism in relation to our intentions and processes, we celebrate the beauty of all parts of us in sisterhood. We explore our inner and outer worlds through drum journeys, sound, song, stories, movement, art and more. As we are guided through our innate Feminine wisdom, we learn to trust our own and each others gifts. We will also follow the seasonal influences and integrate Winter (Water Element), Spring (Air Element), Summer (Fire Element) and Autumn (Earth Element) elemental principles into the 3 sessions in each seasonal cycle. 

We briefly explore these elemental traits and constitutional tendencies to help us appreciate the beauty of the diversity in our wholeness in relationship to one another and the Earth. The wisdom in the elements translates through deeper practices and awareness into our feminine wisdom and earth connection. We all have our own medicine to explore and share.

Ultimately, the quality of healing, listening, self love and nourishment we give to ourselves is the quality of caring we can give to others. It's so essential for women to deeply honour themselves and connect to their innate wisdom as examples for others in their families and communities. Through this ripple effect, we reclaim our magic, wholeness and balanced feminine energies and embrace the natural flow of life's infinite joys and wonders!

These Alchemical circles bring us back to deeply trusting ourselves and our feminine intuition. 

Spring dates: Sundays 4 - 6pm on September 1st, October 6th and November 3rd

Sharing the loving circle experience….

Thankyou Gina, your gentle ways are so nourishing, and you bring such deep soul connection to each circle. What each of us experiences is profound as we journey together through drumming and sharing our stories. It’s truly amazing that each circle is so unique in its creation. The space you hold is so filled with love!


'New Moon Alchemy Circles with Gina are a wonderful safe space to share and be heard by other beautiful women. She tunes into the elemental and lunar energies bringing a deeply healing experience for all.’


Thank you soul sister. These circles are rich and inspiring. I love the seasonal flow and learning about the lunar wisdom with other beautiful women.

The energy of the land we gather on is so supportive and Gina holds a wonderful space for healing and transformation. We have so much fun and enjoy the journeys each month.”
