Sacred Transformation … Leading with Love, Guided by Nature
Something about the word ‘transformation’ sounds active yet its nature is more about a state of ‘being’ that we choose to engage with for our highest good. Defined as ‘a change in form, appearance, nature, or character’, Judy Atkinson (intergenerational and relational trauma expert) believes ‘healing is a process of transformation and transcendence. It is the ever-unfolding knowledge of the Self. In the process of transformation, the Self is viewed with acceptance and compassion and a curiosity towards the change process.’ (
When we embody ‘sacred transformation’, we step into the aspect of transcendence where we listen lovingly and deeply to intergenerational trauma stories and actively engage with transforming and celebrating them through greater awareness. The ‘change’ process requires a deeper presence that encourages empowered evolution on all levels of our being.
When we listen intentionally to another beyond our own stories, agenda’s or ego self, we are assisted by other forces within and around us that know who we are and hold a loving space for transformation to take place. The process I use involves a co-creative approach where we are participating and interacting through both listening and receiving somatic or energetic information from the universal field and within our bodies that release and reorganise the ‘vibrational charge’ held in the story, situation, feeling or experience being explored.
The responses can appear almost ‘magical’ at times when we are truly open minded and open hearted in the present moment. This healing work brings such joy to my heart as I guide people through their own experiences, time and time again, until they begin to feel self-empowered and trust the embodiment of these processes themselves.
Various tools are employed depending on what is intuitively required and these include Quantum Awareness of Energetic techniques, Time Line Therapy, Rites of Passage, 7 year life phases, Earth Cycle guidance, Trauma informed therapy and Strategic and Somatic interventions that provide a safe space for the sacred transformation to unfold.
By working with our potential rather than engaging in the content of our ‘stories, situations, emotions or experiences’, we are able to go beyond our lower mind perceptions and begin to access a resonance that is palpable when we are truly present and engaged in this inner work. We are energetic beings that are always emitting and absorbing vibrational frequencies. As we become more and more conscious of the world within and around us, we transform our lives and our reality through understanding our true potential and accessing the essence of who we are.
Having stable foundations before we begin this work is essential and we assess this responsibly and honestly. Our capacity to be present and available to ourselves and our circumstances creates the necessary trust, safety and security that underpins our success. In addition, as we restore our inner connection, we realise that we co-exist in a living system with corresponding innate rhythms and cycles that guide our evolution. This self-remembering helps us return to our origins AS NATURE.
The pace at which we evolve personally is woven into these greater natural evolutionary cycles. We are always held within this relational field that speaks to us if we are able to listen - nature herself is always guiding us. As the Yang cycles of Spring and Summer arrive and leave, we more through processes of seeding, growth and expansion. As the Yin cycles of Autumn and Winter rise and fall, we move through processes of shedding, death and decay. There is no rush as the cycles guide us towards what is needed so we can show up with confidence and reverence for our own process of Sacred Transformation.
This Ancient Wisdom unfolds for each of us in our own way. As we ‘collaborate and co-design’ together, we change and so does life. Celebrating these times of transformation and enjoying the process are necessary to restore hope and faith in ourselves and the world around us.
Connect with me to learn more about the way I work and how I can assist you on your personal journey.
Many Blessings,
Gina Yallamas