The Imaginary Realm - the Potential Within
We spend so much of our present time thinking.
What do you think about?
Are you then dwelling on those thoughts and are they serving you in your life?
Is this thinking process underpinned by ‘listening’? Or is it thinking that arises from repetitive behavioural patterns and tendencies playing out on repeat?
There are so many questions to ask of ourselves to understand our thoughts and behaviours. Where do we start with understanding our patterned behaviour? By listening….
Being the observer of our reality and simply letting it play out like a movie reel rather than stepping in and attempting to intervene is more of a contemplative approach. When we allow the unfolding of what IS from a place of spaciousness and contemplation, we have an opportunity to see our tendencies and begin to accept them, so we can let them go peacefully.
Whereas if we feel we need to change something, we may create a pathway for the tendencies to continue looping or validating themselves through a need to ‘do something’ rather than be humbly released without judgement, attachment or analysis. Ultimately, the mind is a playground of awe of wonder regardless of the story that is playing out. What matters is our ‘heart centred intention’ to gently surrender to our unconscious and conscious mind patterns and behavioural tendencies.
On the weekend, I gave myself permission to wake up and be present in that state of lucidity that we all experience before fully awake. I chose to consciously explore this dream state, half awake, half in imaginative play. What I find in these semi-conscious states is a a feeling of serenity that allows a renewed sense of creative mind exploration. Jung describes this as Active Imagination:
‘Active imagination is a process in Jungian psychology used to bridge the gap between the conscious and unconscious minds: opening oneself to the unconscious and giving free rein to fantasy while at the same time maintaining an active, attentive, conscious point of view. The process leads to a synthesis that contains both perspectives in a new and surprising way.’ -
It truly is a liberating practice that I share with clients to help them go beyond their own perception of the mental plane. Living in fantasy is where reality begins. This plane of potential is vast if you are able to trust in limitless imaginary possibilities that arise from your own imagination that are unique to YOU. We are NOT all thinking the same thoughts and experiences the same stories although the reflections are showing us similarities that play a role in our own personal learning and development. The realm of the ‘mirror dimension’ can be an elusive place yet harnessing our own potential through Active Imagination is a practice worth exploring.
As I lay in bed in my own bliss bubble, I emptied my mind as best I could to come into a deep place of stillness. As I did so, my imagination brought forward an image of me as Captain Marvel burning through the Earth’s stratosphere in classic super-heroine pose and bursting through a dense plane of energy into a what I saw as a different dimension. I saw the hole in the stratosphere from which I came and I realised this density is what is all around us most of the time in our daily lives. A collective ‘mental web’ was how I described it.
Without making any judgement I simply saw myself floating in this new dimension, enjoying the lightness, the buoyancy and calm. It was a visceral feeling in my body as I even began to breathe with more freedom. Since that first process of Active Imagination, I have revisited this place several times and found the edges of that hole I burst through slowly crumbling away and widening so that it was less constrained and more open.
I’m a BIG believer in the active potential of the collective field and our ability to co-create a new reality through visceral visualisation whereby the body feels the change happening on the cellular level. This is nothing new, the effectiveness of this process has been well researched in high performing athlete’s, coaching and other areas of intellectual pursuits. We are what we BELIEVE and we BECOME what we choose to envision, embody and experience in our physical, mental and emotional planes. Quantum Science understands that accessing potential requires us to be present, focused and open to limitless possibility.
So why I am sharing this is because I had been literally feeling this density for most of the previous week and couldn’t understand why it felt so heavy. I was clearing my energy, setting intentions, smudging and more. Yet what I found was when I REALLY dropped into this space of Active Imagination, I could see the truth of what was happening and could make the change I needed from the vastness of the mental plane in which I was participating in through Quantum awareness.
The result has been a complete shift in the sense of heaviness and the return of lightness from a place of trust and gratitude. this place of deep listening is truly insightful if we give ourselves permission to slow down, tune out of the noise and tap into the imaginary realm that is ALWAYS calling to us. Do the practice…. and trust the process.
Enjoy the journey!
Connect with me if you’d like some help to clear your energy, receive some deeper guidance and open the doorway to your imaginary realm.
With love,